
We meet heroes everyday, great and small, and often in the most unexpected situations.

Message To: Pete the 4 wheel hero.

Date: 02-03-2018

Place: Leeds

Thanks to Pete the guy who stopped to tow me out of the snow this morning. I was desperate to get to hospital. Pete, you got me there, for that I'm eternally grateful. Stay safe man, I know you'll still be towing people out to safety now.

- Mick Lenzo

Message To: Doctors, nurses, ambulance staff.....

Date: 02-03-2018

Place: Everywhere!

It's been very humbling to read stories of dedicated NHS staff walking miles through the snow to get to their places of work. We the general public appreciate you all more than you can ever know. A massive thank you from me and thousands of other people across this snow-bound land!

- Jessica Harle